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李兴宰  韩国  韩国全罗北道立美术馆馆长
在这种情况下,促进经济发展成为恢复一座城市所承载的各项功能的一种方式。然而,在解决城市中身体、社会和经济问题的借口下,很多复兴计划被不顾一切地进行下去。美国城市批评家J. Jacobs评论说,有些复兴项目中显示出来的老套的设计和冷冰冰的环境是现代主义者对一座城市的面貌的总体看法。
另一方面,在欧洲,比起雄心勃勃地扩张或建造,人们在保持着现有城市的结构及其建筑的同时,更看重的是让城市重新活跃起来,这一点我们可以在开始于20世纪70年代的德国的小心翼翼的《城市复兴计划》(Behutsame Stadtemeurung)中看到。他们更相信质变,而不是数量的发展,可以真正地让一座城市的功能复兴。在所有的事物中,艺术和文化成为新的事物,不同国家开始基于艺术和文化产业重建其城市。
The role of museum as a strategy of urban development
A city is like a living organism that grows and develops ceaselessly while going through natural, social, economic, political influences originated from its surroundings. Such city plays a significant role providing a basic cultural environment that is closely connected with our daily lives as well as being a space for communities of people to live within. However, transitions through time such as concentration of population  into major metropolises due to rapid economic development and industrialization are inducing a number of urban problems as they tend to cause chaotic changes among urban space structures.
Under the circumstances, redevelopment has been taking place as means of  restoring various functions that a city assumes. However, many redevelopment plans have been proceeded rather recklessly under the pretext of solving physical, social and economic problems established in the city. American urban critic J. Jacobs remarked that stereotyped designs and impersonal environments shown in some redevelopment projects are modernists' general idea of how a city should be.
In Europe, on the other hand, it is considered more important to revive the city while maintaining the structures of the existing city and its architecture than through aggressive expansion or construction as we can see in the careful  'Urban Revival Plan(Behutsame Stadtemeurung) which began in Germany since 1970's. They believed the qualitative changes, rather than quantitative development, can truly revive the functions of a city. Of all things, as art and culture becomes the new, various countries started to rebuild their cities based on art and culture industries.
Connection between culture and social development
Today, economic, social and cultural values are all connected. Therefore we can draw economic, social and cultural values from cultural activities and their results. Culture actually creates various effects throughout a whole society. From economic point of view, culture contributes in creating more employment, increasing income and promoting investments.  From social point of view, culture  contributes in improving the environment, promoting social cohesiveness and capital. Considering cultural point of view, identity of the residents is fortified and cultural values proliferate and cultural diversity is promoted.
Various culture-based policies are taking place in the world to integrate its society and revive the region based on the extensive effect of culture. United Kingdom has been practising various policies actively developed and promoted by the Ministry of Culture, Media and Sports so that culture can contribute to the unification of its communities.  The ministry emphasizes the importance of culture in 4 categories-culture and employment, culture and health, culture and education, culture and prevention of crime. Recently, the ministry is also applying policies such as 'culture-led regeneration, culture regeneration, culture and regeneration' to revive regions that are left behind.
In such 'culture-led regeneration', cultural activity provides the key and becomes an engine in regenerating the region. The results show the campaign's positive effects such as enhanced social cohesiveness within local communities and  improved identity and image of the region.
Museum as a cultural space
Museum is a social product and its social role and function went through various changes as its surroundings such as society, economy, culture, education, welfare changed through time. Today, museum has become a place connected closely with everyday lives. Most  museums provide space to relax and socialize as providing comprehensive arts such as performance, movies, various educational culture programs and opening special exhibitions to satisfy the various needs of their viewers. Such changes in museums suggest that museum is connected with social and economic life as a comprehensive cultural space and communicates with its society-a museum is not only for arts and culture anymore.
Museum plays active roles in everyday lives. Postmodern museums transcending its modern function such as exhibiting art, are now responsible for promoting artistic susceptibility of the people and contributing to social development. By providing various programs, museums not only attract more viewers but invite tourists and promote them to spend more money while in the city-and such influence has certain effect on local economy. Museum also helps local residents to be more culture-oriented and enhances the city's name value and promotes  positive image of the nation. Cultural effect of museum takes place in various categories. It suggests that museum is the very core of cultural strategy.
Urban development through museums and role models
As industrialization became the new trend, many small yet prosperous cities within Europe had to face stagnation after economic depression. European countries tried to build cultural infrastructure to give the city more energy, and as cultural spaces were built, the city became fully energetic again as local culture was revitalized. Well-known examples include Bilbao and London.
Bilbao was an affluent city with its shipyards and heavy industry, but it collapsed after economic recession in 1980's. The autonomous community government tried to find its way out by becoming 'a city of culture', and one of the strategies was to invite the Guggenheim museum into the city. Over a hundred million dollars of social fund of Basque region was put into the project and in October 1997, Guggenheim museum opened in Bilbao. Bilbao developed into 'the city of culture' owing its success to the collaboration of effective policies of Basque government and the museum.
As its national influence went downhill, United Kingdom decided to promote so-called Millenium Project, and began to build Tate Modern as a part of the plan. Tate Modern, the biggest gallery in the world, opened by the Thames. Since its opening, Tate Modern became the center of the culture of London and contributed a great deal in popularizing postmodern art. The troublesome area surrounding the former power plant filled with  homeless people and criminals that gave the government quite a headache turned into one of the major cores of postmodern art.
As we can see in both cases, organized and active support of the government was behind the success. It suggests that active support of the government, organized preparation and professional planning are required since tremendous fund is put into the project. Also they built the space so that local residents can easily access the museum. It promoted the residents' idea of identity and pride, and helped the space to be constantly packed with visitors and thus attracting more tourists. It had a great effect not only in local tourism industry and local economy but also overall environment and image of the city.
In Korea, Gwangju most actively tried to develop into the city of culture. Gwangju Biennale established in 1995 is now leading the Asian art into globalization. Gwangju City Museum opened a few branches along the way and fulfilled the role of the center of arts and culture by managing international creation studio and opening a gallery in the center of Seoul. In conclusion, art is not just a part of a city. It can also be the energy to change the city. It is the reason why we count on the museum to bring the culture and art together, and furthermore, to provide a strategy to develop the city.

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